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Advanced Faculty Empowerment Program

The faculty development program shall enhance the skill sets of faculty substantially and shall indirectly help achieve best result percentage. A proposal on ‘Advanced Faculty Empowerment Program’ is presented as follows:


  1. Challenges in the classroom
  2. Innovation in teaching and learning
  3. Imparting value based knowledge
  4. Mentoring Skills
  5. Evaluation and feedback
  6. Synchronising syllabus and lesson plan
  7. Counselling students and parents
  8. One minute presentations
  9. Working in pairs
  10. Group discussion
  11. Debates
  12. Presentations
  13. Handling current issues/Experiential Learning
  14. Conducting role plays
  15. Train students to speak on a topic and answer questions

        Total No. of hours                               :                                        18.0