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Speak in English Effortlessly in 36 hours.

  1. Tenses and story on tenses-Activity
  2. Irregular verbs-Activity
  3. Learning eight parts of speech-Activity
  4. Spelling guidelines-Activity
  5. Eight parts of speech-Activity
  6. Articles-Punctuation-Activity
  7. Change of voice-Activity
  8. Change of speech- Activity
  1. Vocabulary-word games
  2. Synonyms and antonyms- Activity
  3. Words selection and ordering

Listening tests on the learner’s level of proficiency on recordings, movie clips, short films/documentary:

  1. Listening skills - barriers and remedial actions
  2. Note taking and summarising
  3. Listen and fill-up the blanks
  4. Listening for a specific information
  5. Listening and narrating
  6. Picking out difficult and unfamiliar words
  1. The need to acquire speaking ability and its benefits
  2. Ability to frame questions and making answers-exercise
  3. Generating conversation on daily activities
  4. Video clippings on English speaking ability
  5. Important websites to learn speaking English - video clippings
  1. Vocabulary - word games
  2. Self-introduction
  3. One minute presentations
  4. Working in pairs
  5. Role play
  6. Dialogues
  7. Giving direction
  8. Describe a given picture
  9. Group discussion
  10. Narrating a story
  11. Speaking about a real incident, movie, trip or any other current issues
  12. Simulation – speaking with imagination or creativity
  13. Welcome address and vote of thanks
  14. Extempore
  15. Speak on a topic and answer queries

Program Director